Borrow a HouseMart Shipping tote and save money and the environment by saying goodbye to cardboard boxes!
If you are located near H2O Logistics Warehouse (23601 S. Wilmington Ave. Carson, CA 90745) you can borrow a tote and fill with no weight restrictions for a flat fee of $50.00.
You will be notified via email once your order is ready for pick up. Order must be picked up in one week (after one week, order will be subject to a $10/day stocking fee.) Upon tote's arrival in Hawaii, we ask that you please unload tote and leave tote with us at the store.
Totes are made out of tough plastic and stackable.
Tote size:
Assembled Length: 27.2 in.
Assembled Height: 12.5 in.
Assembled Width: 16.6 in.
Capacity: 16 gal
Shipping time: From departure date (Fridays), shipments take approximately 10 days to reach Oahu and 14 days to reach the neighbor islands.
Please email or call (808)762-0399 with questions.